Occupy San Luis Obispo County Information
we become silent about things that matter."
Martin Luther King Jr.
The Courthouse occupation history
137 Days, 6 Hours!
That's pretty good for a small town : )
The last effective Courthouse Vacate Notice.
Friday, 3. 2. 2012
Category: Notice to "dis-Lodge"
Penal Code 647(e), The illegality of sleeping in California
In the last Notice we find that the County Administrator has made some slight changes to the wording. The County Administrator, the Sheriff and the County itself support and protect the "right of all individuals to engage in free speech and exercise their right to assemble .... the "during business hours" clause of previous notices has been dropped.
The list of prohibited lodging items has one added item: " shade structures" in the list of structures and items not allowed on courthouse property when assembling or exercising free speech.
In this Notice we find that the County Administrators, the Sheriff and the County itself support and protect the right of all individuals to engage in free speech and exercise their right to assemble "during business hours."
11. 18.2011 TheThird, a Notice to dis-Lodge
In this Notice, "Camping" means: Just being on public property between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM.
Public water has not been used, nor has cooking taken place onsite, nor has any electricity from public outlets been used, since the 1rst Notice, but the 2cnd Notice didn't notice.
11. 03.2011 The Second Notice to Campers.
In this Notice we are told it is UNLAWFUL to demonstrate between the Hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM (no real American believes it however.) Camping has been redefined to mean erecting tents and sleeping. As for all the rest: all cooking gear was removed after after the first notice, and no one washes their plates and dishes, since we have been forced into the wastefull practice of using paper plates and plastic forks and spoons. As for Potties! We have Honey Huts Donated, but of course the County refuses to let us put them anywhere on their (our) property.
It is only lawfull to demonstrate between 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM? Did Martin lead us astray?
10. 28.2011 The First Notice to Campers
In this Notice, "Camping" means: Just being on public property between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM.
A word to other would be Occupiers
10.28.2011 One Step at a time. One day at a time. We will get there. Because we are simply not going to stop.
If you have something to say in America, and you find that you are prevented from saying it. The first battle becomes the battle for the Right to speak freely. Once that battle is won, then move ahead and say what you were going to say.
- Who are the homeless in San Luis Obispo?
– People without a home.
– Generally families, couples, and individuals, adults and children. – In the City itself there are over 1309 people who are homeless – 489 of these people are children, and 20 are seniors. Depending on who you ask and the time of year:
–There are between 95 and 250 beds available at shelters.- In the County of San Luis Obispo there are over:
–3774 people who are homeless.
–1849 of these people are children under 18 years old.
–113 of these people are seniors. - Numerous reasons exist for homelessness.
– Loss of a job.
– Unable to make a mortgage payment precipitating foreclosure.
– Unable to pay rent.
– Choosing between life saving medications and rent or mortgage.
– Escaping domestic violence.
– Suffering Post Traumatic Stress from the Armed Services, or a life crisis.
– Diagnosable and treatable mental illness, but not able to afford health insurance.
– An erstwhile 'sweetie' just kicked someone out of the house.
– Adventuresome or rebellious youth on a journey.
– Unable to afford schooling and rent simultaneously. - In the State of California finding yourself in one of these situations with no place to go is considered "disorderly conduct," under Penal Code 647(e).
In that out of necessity a person discovers they need
to sleep at some point and they do. The penalty is
fines and even jail time. - People that face this possibility every night are:
– 954 people under age 18 in North County.
– 301 people under age 18 in South County
– Countywide 1245 individuals are female,
– 2528 individuals are male.
– 96% view english as their first language, and
– 60% consider themselves residents of San Luis Obispo County
prior to becoming homeless.
– 30% having been born in San Luis Obispo County. - There is no doubt whatsoever.
– The homeless are definitely part of the 99%.
– Some fairly new to homelessness were living in gated
communities not so long ago.